Thursday, 19 December 2013
I have realised first hand what happens when I miss 1 dose of my new medication. Dizziness, nausea, headaches and change in mood amongst other things. Venlafaxine is something not to be messed with. This is not something I want to encounter whilst overseas therefore I will be needing to set alarms on my phone to remind me to take my medication. The dizziness is world spinning the floors moving kind of messed up. Not something I want to experience again. Not when the nausea and headaches that come with it occur. And the changes in mood, lets just say when my brother mentioned that he has purchased a puppy I started crying for about half an hour for no reason. Not cool.
Thursday, 12 December 2013
They wont go away
1:17pm 13/12/2013
They say that when you are on medication (antidepressants) you have a period of 'clear thinking' ie all of the anxiety about what decision to make goes away and you start to feel that you are able to make decisions easier.
This doesnt help whilst you mind is still all 'woe is me' like mine is atm (constant headaches cause i think too much)
As of about 12 hours ago, I have sickening thoughts regarding the problems i was facing prior to seeing a psychologist. Not going to specify but you may get the gist...
Writing this down makes me assume that I am not going to actually carry out any actions I may think of but only time will tell.
They say that when you are on medication (antidepressants) you have a period of 'clear thinking' ie all of the anxiety about what decision to make goes away and you start to feel that you are able to make decisions easier.
This doesnt help whilst you mind is still all 'woe is me' like mine is atm (constant headaches cause i think too much)
As of about 12 hours ago, I have sickening thoughts regarding the problems i was facing prior to seeing a psychologist. Not going to specify but you may get the gist...
Writing this down makes me assume that I am not going to actually carry out any actions I may think of but only time will tell.
In the meantime
1:12pm 13/12/2013
As some of you may or may not know, I am back on medication to correct the chemical imbalance in my brain. Whilst I am waiting for them to get to their full effect, my mind is constantly flooded with worrying thoughts...
Worrying thought #45
I am replaceable. Noone NEEDS me.
Home life:
- I dont have kids that rely on me
- I dont have a partner that 'cant live without me'
- My cat can be adopted out and loved by little ones
Work life:
- I am only an assistant underwriter with minimal experience, therefore someone else out there could easily take my place
- I live in a different state than my boss
- Of the small goup of close friends, they have others that are closer
- Of the group of everyday friends, im nothing special
I would just be one less person taking up space in an overpopulated office/city/world...
As some of you may or may not know, I am back on medication to correct the chemical imbalance in my brain. Whilst I am waiting for them to get to their full effect, my mind is constantly flooded with worrying thoughts...
Worrying thought #45
I am replaceable. Noone NEEDS me.
Home life:
- I dont have kids that rely on me
- I dont have a partner that 'cant live without me'
- My cat can be adopted out and loved by little ones
Work life:
- I am only an assistant underwriter with minimal experience, therefore someone else out there could easily take my place
- I live in a different state than my boss
- Of the small goup of close friends, they have others that are closer
- Of the group of everyday friends, im nothing special
I would just be one less person taking up space in an overpopulated office/city/world...
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
She's Baack
***warning - this post may cause concern***
I saw the psych today and let it rip. About 10 mins in I started crying cause I have realised I am all alone in my head. And in my life. I have no one I feel comfortable talking to about my issues cause they seem stupid but they aren't stupid in my one of my minds but in another mind I think it's stupid to be worrying about. It's like my head feels one way but my heart feels another. But it's not even my heart that has the issue it's just me. It hurts sometimes to think and I'm constantly thinking. And it's not even coherent thinking its like all over the place and hurts.
After talking to the psych about how I've been feeling and what I've been thinking of doing and about self harming whilst I'm away in Europe she has recommended getting a referral to see a psychiatrist to assist in monitoring medication as she believes I should be back on something to assist with my head and well-being.
Sometimes I think I should self harm. But then I think I should go to the hospital and get admitted cause thinking about harming myself is stupid. But then I think about what they would say at work and I try and figure out if I could maybe just be in the hospital at night? Like maybe I would be allowed day leave to attend work then go back to the ward at night to medicate and be watched. But then I think that's stupid cause why would they let me out of the hospital when work is part of the reason I am not feeling well mentally. And then I think about calling an ambulance to pick me up and take me to a hospital but what would that achieve? I would be in the same boat of rocking up to the hospital and admitting myself.
That can be plan B. If the psychs cant help (psychologist and psychiatrist) then maybe a whole mental health team could help me. And hopefully this time they don't say I just have anger management issues.
So that's me so far with my mental health. Well this bout anyway. I have spoken to my mum and let her know I'm not feeling well and she has suggested looking into the insurance policy I have for the tour and maybe checking if there could be a mental health or medical clause in there that will allow me to postpone the tour till another date if my mental well being does not get sorted or under control any time soon.
Talking to the psychologist today has made me feel a lot worse but I think that's just cause I am having to admit to how I am feeling rather than just pretending like I have been the last few months.
Monday, 2 December 2013
Chocolate is my vice
So I'm not supposed to be eating chocolate cause it makes me sick and I'm constantly feeling sick when I eat it but hey I keep eating it cause I have issues. Whatever.
It just sucks bad cause I wanted to do the comp next year but I keep eating crap food which really isn't good cause it's making me fat and sick and all the bad stuff. I need to become disciplined again by keeping to my meal plans.
Also - for the last week or so I have had every intention of getting up and going for a run in the mornings but it just hasn't happened. Tomorrow - I will do it tomorrow and let blog land know what I've done and how I've gone. We shall see...
It's just all too hard - so I buy chocolate cause I'm feeling bad for myself. Or I buy original Doritos - all salty and corny goodness...
eBay and my shocking purchases
Hi, my name is Terri and I am a shop-a-holic.
'Hi Terri'
It's been a day since I've purchased anything on eBay and I can't stop. Really. The crap that I buy hasn't stopped me, I seem to just buy more and more. It does come in waves though.
This recent bout has been all Europe and contiki related. Boots and jumpers and bags etc.
The jumpers have been the worst. The first one was an oversized / sloppy grey and green and I chose the decent size - it didn't even come close to covering my butt. That one shall be going to the poor people bin! I am known for buying dodgy sizes of clothes from eBay. Most of my stuff doesn't fit!! I really should be learning from my mistakes but alas I don't seem to really take note. The second jumper I have purchased recently was a flame jumper which I thought would be a nice statement piece on tour. Thought maybe a flame jumper would keep me warm psychologically but when I pulled it out of the packaging, it had a satanic symbol on the back. Ok well maybe it wasn't that bad, but it's black cross surrounded by the flames so...wearing it around a catholic country probably isn't the best idea...
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Project 333
So here we are, when I get home I shall be attempting to cull down my wardrobe and implimenting Project 333 - using only 33 items (clothing and jewelery) for 3 months. Will be cutting it short however when I go to Europe but it will give me a base line for packing for Europe as well. Should be fun so lets see how I go.
Will take some photos tonight and start tomorrow or next week. But will def. be looking into retireing some clothing
Will take some photos tonight and start tomorrow or next week. But will def. be looking into retireing some clothing
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Self sabotage
Its the last week of my challenge and I have a severe case of self sabotage going on :( my finances have hit rock bottom - I dont know if I can afford my contiki tour anymore...I dont even know if my bills have been paid this week :(
Blondes have more fun
Friday I was feeling a little down so I went to the shops and purchased some hair lightening cream :) Friday night I lightened the ends of my hair but as it wasnt as light as i was hoping - I went out Sunday and purchased some more blonding powder and creme and bleached my hair. Looks kinda trashy but I dont mind right now. It looks ok up but down its a little hickldy pickldy but again - i dont mind :)
Sunday I joined Internet dating again for about 24 hours :p started talking to about 80 people (i just kept getting contact requests) and ended up meeting up with 1...we shall see how this goes and after 6 weeks will elaborate :p
He is cute and makes me laugh and right now is what I need :)
Starting seeing a Coach for the comp next year - new training plan and diet which shall take some time getting used to but I am committed 100% to leaning up and taking the stage so I will do what I need to, to make it happen.
Sunday I joined Internet dating again for about 24 hours :p started talking to about 80 people (i just kept getting contact requests) and ended up meeting up with 1...we shall see how this goes and after 6 weeks will elaborate :p
He is cute and makes me laugh and right now is what I need :)
Starting seeing a Coach for the comp next year - new training plan and diet which shall take some time getting used to but I am committed 100% to leaning up and taking the stage so I will do what I need to, to make it happen.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Tried Oats this morning - things were looking good until this afternoon. But just remembered that I (stupidly) ate Chocolate and Ginger Nut biscuits so...going to lay off the oats for a few more days until my stomach goes back to normal then try again.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Yet another Nutritionist Appointment
Had another nutritionist appointment today.
Will be trialing sheeps hard cheese and gluten containing wheat free grains over the next 4 weeks. Happy times ahead. However todays payment also came with the cost of my indicans test which means I am now $20 out of pocket more than i thought i would be...
Will be trialing sheeps hard cheese and gluten containing wheat free grains over the next 4 weeks. Happy times ahead. However todays payment also came with the cost of my indicans test which means I am now $20 out of pocket more than i thought i would be...
Thursday, 26 September 2013
The old me
The old me is still in here - she hasnt been out for a while but I think she might make a come back before the quarter century mark.
Its all sweet tho - she is pretty cool and just likes to have fun and be happy.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
On Monday 09 September 2013, I was advised that I am officially intolerant to Egg Whites and Dairy. Below is an excerpt from my Maxines Shape Up Challange Blog post from that day:
so...have my cranky pants on and sad face to go with it...saw the nutritionist today to get my results to the $400 blood test i got 3 weeks ago...5 items came up as graded intolerance.
1+ (not so bad, just lay off for a few weeks and should be right to go once or twice a week) - Sheep Milk & Kidney Beans
2+ (stay off for a few months then try again to test tolerance) - goats milk
3+ (stay off for at least 6 months then try again to test tolerance but don't be surprised if this is permanent) - cows milk and EGG WHITES!!!
I am now not allowed to eat egg whites :(
That is my little 'woe is me' moment...
Rewind to the beginning - it all started in June 2013 when I was having bad stomach issues and cramping. The pain lasted about 3 days on and off, so I went to the Doctors and he said to just go home and rest. About 10 days later, I started passing stools with blood in them. Figuring it would go away soon (and not keen to pay to go to the drs again) I left it be...after 3 days of the stomach cramping and blood, I decided it was time to go to the Drs. He gave me a referral to a specialist and pretty much said good luck. I called the specialist on the Monday (as they were closed on the Friday) and their wait list was 3 months!!! I booked the appointment (as it was better than nothing) and spoke to the Drs office again asking for another referral. I was advised to find a Dr I wanted, and call back for the referral. Did so and got booked in for 2 weeks from that date :) 12 August 2013 I was booked in for scopes and alike :/
After the scopes, the Dr advised there was nothing 'medically' wrong with after a few days avoiding the foods she had suggested, I got on to a nutritionist and she suggested taking a blood test to check my intolerances...and queue the above post...
It was hard to begin with getting my mind in the right state but its pretty easy now. Im pretty much 'Vegan' however am able to eat meat...for the time being... Its crossed my mind a few times that maybe, just maybe, i may as well take the plunge to Vegan commitment and not eat meat anymore...but its hard with the challange. Maybe when I get back from Europe I might make that change.
so...have my cranky pants on and sad face to go with it...saw the nutritionist today to get my results to the $400 blood test i got 3 weeks ago...5 items came up as graded intolerance.
1+ (not so bad, just lay off for a few weeks and should be right to go once or twice a week) - Sheep Milk & Kidney Beans
2+ (stay off for a few months then try again to test tolerance) - goats milk
3+ (stay off for at least 6 months then try again to test tolerance but don't be surprised if this is permanent) - cows milk and EGG WHITES!!!
I am now not allowed to eat egg whites :(
That is my little 'woe is me' moment...
Rewind to the beginning - it all started in June 2013 when I was having bad stomach issues and cramping. The pain lasted about 3 days on and off, so I went to the Doctors and he said to just go home and rest. About 10 days later, I started passing stools with blood in them. Figuring it would go away soon (and not keen to pay to go to the drs again) I left it be...after 3 days of the stomach cramping and blood, I decided it was time to go to the Drs. He gave me a referral to a specialist and pretty much said good luck. I called the specialist on the Monday (as they were closed on the Friday) and their wait list was 3 months!!! I booked the appointment (as it was better than nothing) and spoke to the Drs office again asking for another referral. I was advised to find a Dr I wanted, and call back for the referral. Did so and got booked in for 2 weeks from that date :) 12 August 2013 I was booked in for scopes and alike :/
After the scopes, the Dr advised there was nothing 'medically' wrong with after a few days avoiding the foods she had suggested, I got on to a nutritionist and she suggested taking a blood test to check my intolerances...and queue the above post...
It was hard to begin with getting my mind in the right state but its pretty easy now. Im pretty much 'Vegan' however am able to eat meat...for the time being... Its crossed my mind a few times that maybe, just maybe, i may as well take the plunge to Vegan commitment and not eat meat anymore...but its hard with the challange. Maybe when I get back from Europe I might make that change.
Contiki Tour Dec 2013-Jan2014
On Boxing day this year, I shall be boarding a flight to London via Singapore to start my Birthday Present to myself. A 23 day Contiki Tour around Western Europe!! I am extremly excited and nervous all at the same time :)
On Boxing day this year, I shall be boarding a flight to London via Singapore to start my Birthday Present to myself. A 23 day Contiki Tour around Western Europe!! I am extremly excited and nervous all at the same time :)
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